By Coralie Darsey-Malloy and David Malloy
A respect for diversity may be the hardest thing for society to live with, and perhaps the
most dangerous thing for society to live without.
--William Sloane Coffin Jr.
Never before has a time in history been so significant to so many cultures, religions, scientists and governments. Beyond 2012 looks past the apocalyptic world view of 2012 and presents a wide variety of evolving perspectives on the next age of global consciousness and techniques for social and ecological transformation.Topics include Shamanism, Sustainability, Ecological Design, Green Technologies, Alternative Energy Systems, the Mayan Calendar, Psychic Evolution, Synchronicity, and a host of other subjects that deal with the mysteries, wonders and challenges facing all of humankind during this unprecedented age of transformation.
We cannot think of any conflation which I run into more frequently than that of confusing respect for tolerance, or vice-versa. Why people have trouble differentiating between criticizing something and trying to wipe it from the face of the earth at gun point is something I doubt we find difficult to comprehend.
Looking past a Post Apocalyptic or Capitalists, Fascist Dictatorial World View, the 14th Dalai Lama of Tibet presents his view on how a New World Order should look, where human beings are not used as a fuel source and as a people, we can move away from a century of violence, to a new century of dialog. The Dalai Lama offers a far-reaching vision of the universal harmony that waits in the celebration of diversity. Our future is dependent on our ability to build relationships and communities that bind us to more holistic, common aspirations.
To help it grow, the Dalai Lama urges us to begin by fostering caring and respect for the many spiritual and cultural traditions in our world. Only by nurturing and teaching our children and each other, and protecting the world we share, will we move from a century of violence to a new century of dialog in which individual efforts create a mass movement toward a world of lasting peace and freedom.
The world is made up of a diversity and that is what makes life interesting, challenging and rewarding. It is this diversity that we can all benefit from if we are willing to open our minds and put forth the effort in understanding one another rather than discard others simply because their views are different. If we could work on blending the world and seeking common ground we may be pleasantly surprised at the outcomes.
Some of the suggestions are to turn and face a stranger with a smile. Wear your badge of life with style, embrace your neighbors, live and let live Always remember you are what you give will come back to you in the "what goes around--comes around law of cause and effect. Open your heart, put flowers in a gun. Find the best in others and have some fun for every no, there is a bigger yes! Strive for greatness, and accept nothing less. Whether we are a man or woman, boy or girl, a person from another place, culture of spiritual path let us all strive to respect our diversity, respect differences and open up to our similarities. In doing that we will be able to create a world where we can all walk on common ground!
Raia Darsey-Malloy and David Malloy created this blog to focus on change making ideas through respectful dialog. making ideas through respectful dialog. When we change our thoughts, attitude, beliefs changes manifest outwardly in a ripple effect that can and does lead to change making events.
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