When we first started hearing about Ascension it had a rather woo-woo feel to it and with all the mixed perspectives on what it is--or isn't. We wanted to post something that offers some practical ideas and perspectives.
In our way of thinking the Ascension process in quite simply--spiritual development. It is a part of life that with different levels of awareness. We are all a part of a whole and it is possible to see can see them in society today. We are all apart of the human family. Everyone's family is part of a culture (race, religion, group, cult, whatever) and your culture is a part of a country which is a part of the world and the Earth which is part of the solar and galaxy and we all play a role within the ripple effect of life. On a spiritual level we are also a part of something greater, which is a part of something greater and so on and so on.
The onmi-verse is infinite as far as anyone can tell. And on that note we must make a point that seems to get overlooked quite a bit in the community of "ascensionists" Everything we write in our blogs are based on our training, personal, professional and spiritual studies and experience. Coming to what we do is "our ascension." It may or may not resonate with others, that is OK. We are communicators of ideas and our "awaking" my not be yours. We only offer our perspectives to share our experiences in an effort to support others in their own process growth process-- not to tell anyone what it is or whether it is "right or wrong."
We offer our view of unity and Oneness as an analogy. We are all in a symphony together playing Mozart. I play violin, you play flute, someone else plays french horn…We all have individual and unique roles that combine to create the whole. Take one away and it just doesn't sound right. Now, within the symphony, you may not like the tuba. It may be the most annoying sound in the world to you and the tenor saxophone literally hurts you deeply. Does that mean they should be cut out of the symphony? Perhaps many others love them both and despise your flute but should the you and the flute--or any other instrument be banished? How would the symphony sound if that happened? Such is true with Life. Everyone has their own individual role to play.
Someone's role may hurt us, annoy us, anger us or inspire us. Or one individual may do all of those things over time or at the same time. How we handle it speaks to our vibration and level of awareness and the lessons we need to learn. Our lessons will be different from others , however they may have a similar flavor.
One of the primary lessons we have here in 3D Earth School is that of victim-hood. We all share in this lesson through we may be studying in different parts of the book. It is impossible for us to know where anyone else is on their path we can only know that they are [on the path], we all are. Compassion arises when we can identify with a lesson that someone else is in the midst of. We can make a choice to respond with judgement or with compassion and understanding. We can get annoyed that everyone else isn't where we are (why isn't everyone as evolved as me? smiles) or we can embrace and honor their process and offer our Light to support.
There are as many roles within humanity as there are Beings on the planet. No two are exactly the same, no two will feel exactly the same, work exactly the same, vibrate exactly the same…yet they all fit exactly together into the whole. Each role is indispensable and irreplaceable and the whole would be diminished without it. I must add that I am including ALL BEINGS in this---yes, that means the murderers, the rapists, the bankers, the government, monstanto etc etc. Yes…I have included the "evil" darkside for without it there is no Life. "Evil" spelled backward is "Live."
Bring the need to judge everything as "good or bad", "light or dark" into your heart of stillness. Ask yourself "whom does this serve?" Now allow the need for some external or internal thing (person, trait, process, law, whatever) to change in order for everything to be OK, to come into your heart of stillness. Bring it right to this, the Heart of your Being and ask "how is everything already perfect?"
And know, that it is.We choose to believe that the everything is always working for the highest and greatest good of the "all" beyond the outer appearance of things and within the eternal reach of time.
Raia Darsey-Malloy and David Malloy created this blog to focus on change making ideas through respectful dialog. making ideas through respectful dialog. When we change our thoughts, attitude, beliefs changes manifest outwardly in a ripple effect that can and does lead to change making events.
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(author unknown) Before you say anything to anyone, ask yourself 3 things: Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary? Make promises sp...
When we first started hearing about Ascension it had a rather woo-woo feel to it and with all the mixed perspectives on what it is--or isn...
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