Raia Darsey-Malloy and David Malloy created this blog to focus on change making ideas through respectful dialog. making ideas through respectful dialog. When we change our thoughts, attitude, beliefs changes manifest outwardly in a ripple effect that can and does lead to change making events.
Saturday, 28 January 2012
Embracing Diversity
Thursday, 26 January 2012
Oneness Blessing....
We are not here to fit in at any cost. We are being called to break free of old patterns, delusions and conditioned existence. As we transform your inner world and heighten awareness it creates a ripple effect that inspires other people to break free old ties that used to bind.
Within our personal and professional experience we believe this applies to many who are transforming and awakening to broader perspectives on life, spirituality and heightened awareness about the importance of living life on our own terms in self-accountable ways that do not cause harm to others.No matter what the injustice..never allow a person or system to silence you into a submission. Never submit, give up, or not fight for your right to be heard or your right to expose the truth. Never accept a deal or situation that devalues and silences your voice and alters your souls journey! Stand up and fight for the truth while seeking common ground, embracing diversity and our ONENESS.
~♥~ ~♥~ ♥~ ~♥~
Tuesday, 24 January 2012
The Quickening of Oneness
The Quickening" was produced by Awakening As One
All around the planet hundreds of millions of people are waiting for events to unfold in the year 2012, that they... believe will bring either the birth of a harmonious new reality... or 'the end of the world.
But what if those events were actually to take place THIS YEAR, in 2011?
In Awakening As One's new film "The Quickening" we will explain why so many people have been experiencing the sensation that "Time is Speeding Up"; particularly since the Earthquake in Japan.
And we will also show how research indicates that this accelerated experience of reality could peak sometime around October 28th, 2011; culminating in a global experience of Unity Consciousness, which would then lead to the experience of a harmonious new way of being.
"The Quickening" will also take a look at the unfolding of current events and how they directly relate to Hopi and Mayan Prophecies, indicating that we are on the Cusp of Great Changes, which signify the shifting of the Age... and the Birth of a New World.
We wish to acknowledge that without the work of these incredible filmmakers, and music producers it would not have been possible for Awakening As One to share its message of Peace and Unity with such beauty, heart and soul.
We invite you to support the filmmakers by visiting their webpages, and viewing their films. We extend our deepest gratitude and respect to the following films, and to all those who assisted in their creation.
Howto & Style
The Quickening 2012 love fear consciousness the shift hopi maya mayan prophecy elenin nibiru illuminati zeitgeist kymatica esoteric agenda doomsday revelations change ufo aliens permaculture new age pisces aquarius
Standard YouTube License
The Buddha's Words on Kindness
(The Metta Sutra)
This is what should be done
By one who is skilled in goodness,
And who knows the path of peace:
Let them be able and upright,
Straightforward and gentle in speech.
Humble and not conceited,
Contented and easily satisfied.
Unburdened with duties and frugal in their ways.
Peaceful and calm, and wise and skillful,
Not proud and demanding in nature.
Let them not do the slightest thing
That the wise would later reprove.
Wishing: In gladness and in saftey,
May all beings be at ease.
Whatever living beings there may be;
Whether they are weak or strong, omitting none,
The great or the mighty, medium, short or small,
The seen and the unseen,
Those living near and far away,
Those born and to-be-born,
May all beings be at ease!
Let none deceive another,
Or despise any being in any state.
Let none through anger or ill-will
Wish harm upon another.
Even as a mother protects with her life
Her child, her only child,
So with a boundless heart
Should one cherish all living beings:
Radiating kindness over the entire world
Spreading upwards to the skies,
And downwards to the depths;
Outwards and unbounded,
Freed from hatred and ill-will.
Whether standing or walking, seated or lying down
Free from drowsiness,
One should sustain this recollection.
This is said to be the sublime abiding.
By not holding to fixed views,
The pure-hearted one, having clarity of vision,
Being freed from all sense desires,
Is not born again into this world.
Friday, 20 January 2012
Thursday, 19 January 2012
Wayne Dyer/Changing The Habits That Erode
Dear soul borthers and sisters, before you get too far into the year's activities let us
take a moment to tune into that force which beats within our hearts,
pause and observe all of pulsating life that comes from Mother Earth.
Tune into the captivating rhythm of evolution,
and dance your way into your holy calling.
The whole universe is dancing with you.
To create a better life (world), we must first change our level of consciousness.
To change consciousness, we must become the change we wish to see.
To create peace - we must find peace within ourselves, in doing so we become the kind of person who can live at peace with others.
To create love - we must find the source of light and love within our hearts and eliminate all that stands in the way of ...being loving.
What emanates from our hearts and minds can be powerful and trans-formative. The purification process starts at home. We choose to repeat this simple prayer throughout the day…
Divine Ones Make of me, a vessel for your light and love and BE the changes I want to see in this world. lo
Feel it, Live it, Love it!
In this video Wayne Dyer gives practical ways to start living life on purpose. Become aware of the thoughts that are creating the habits, focus thoughts on what you DO want -- and create THAT!
Wayne Dyer/How God Tells You It's Time For a Change
"Infinite patience produces immediate results...the immediate result of your infinite patience is peace. You retreat in peace and let the universe handle the details."
Ask the next person you see what their passion is and share your inspiring dream with them. Travel whenever you can--getting lost will help you find yourself. Some opportunities only come once, seize them. Life is about the people you meet, and the things you create with them so go out and start creating. Live your dream, and wear your passion. ♥ ♥You have a choice
Your heart will know
You gotta look back sometime
To know where to go
You have a voice
Long as you live
It's never too small
Whatever you got to give
When your life is low (hold on)
And you want to let go (be strong - hold on)
Remember the dream we had
When there was nothing else
Remember the light that shines
And find it in yourself
Remember the dream is yours
So let it guide your way
And keep it alive with you each day
Don't ever say
You just don't care
the chances you take
Will take you as far as you dare
Don't be afraid
Hold your head high
There's strength in your soul
You never know till you try
When your life is low (hold on)
And you want to let go (be strong -- hold on)
You're not alone .. somebody cares
(Hold on ...be strong)
When you're walkin' the road
With those who been there
(You're not alone)
Remember the dream is yours
So let it guide your way
And keep it alive with you each day.
~ Remember the Dream
by James Ingram
Authentic Power with Gary Zukav & Linda Francis
Spiritual Partnership
With a smiles in our hearts my you read the words and embrace the message as we share this beautiful journey called life.
Thank you participating in a shared commitment to heal the world by exploring common ground, embracing our diversity whil celebrating our universal Onenness. Together we can do our part to heal the world heal the world.
Peaceful greertings,
The solution is ¨`*•.¸¸.• ❤ⓁⓄⓋⒺ❤...
Love❤Forgive❤Be Kind❤Be Light❤
Whenever we get that feeling of being tired of duality we reconnect as soon as possible with the Source of Oneness and observe all that is with loving, tender eyes. Oneness his why we are all searching for even though it is frequently That which is veiled through the perception of polarity, society and our cultural, racial, gender and religious paradigms.
The paradigm of ONENESS with Jasmuheen
According to many metaphysicians, and also our Indigenous people, we exist in a web of Oneness, each of us interconnected with all things, like a cell in the Body of Living Field of Intelligence. What we do, how we live affects us all and imprints vibrations in this web.
When we each set the clear intention to live in harmony within ourselves, within our community and within this Earth, then the web of love responds and begins to teach us how, but only when we are truly open in our heart to receive this knowledge.
There are of course practical things that we can do to experience harmony in this Web of One; such as choosing to see the good in each other. We can also focus on the things that bind us, that we have in common, rather than on the things that separate and divide us further.
We share a common essence in the Web of Love, the same baseline frequency, which is of course, Pure Love. This ocean of Pure Love which is within each of us, can be small or large, depending on our recognition of it and attention to it and it has many gifts to give.
By turning our awareness within via meditation and pure concentration with a desire to feel this inner ocean of love, it can then rise within us and reveal that we are all the same in essence, that we are all one.
The stronger this force becomes and the more we acknowledge its presence by focusing upon it, the sooner we will be united as one species living on one planet. This is the Universal Law of Love and the Universal Law of Resonance coming into being in action.
It is a simple science that goes beyond separatist ideologies and religions.
At the Embassy of Peace we encourage you to live a lifestyle that fills your Being with joy, a lifestyle that is also beneficial to the world as a whole. Then we may all move as one heart, one mind with love in our hearts and wisdom in our minds and be in harmony with Gaia, the spirit of our world. Some call Gaia, Pachamama, and know her as a living being that is also part of the Web of Oneness.
She invites us to live in harmony upon her and for those who know how, to show the way. And so it is time for us to acknowledge the wisdom of the Elders of the Indigenous tribes. It is their time now and our time to listen to all that they have to say.
Listen to the Kogi from Colombia.
Listen to what the Hopi Indians have to say.
Listen to the wise ones from the Aboriginal lines.
And listen to the voice of the Divine Essence within. Seek to know its gifts so that harmony and Oneness can be our experience in every way.
As many now know, the greatest teacher dwells within us. When we hear its voice and receive its gifts we will know the Oneness game.
Tuesday, 17 January 2012
To me the word nonduality has always felt so very dry and masculine. As a woman, although I am often called a nondual teacher, I have shied away from using this term much myself. The word ‘nonduality’ seems to have attracted a lot of men interested in playing with words and concepts rather than diving into the depths of feeling and sensation. It has also encouraged women and men, to think that they should understand those concepts, and if they don’t, then they don’t ‘get it’. But in the last 8 years or so, of teaching, I have explored the feminine expression of nonduality. The feminine expression seems to touch a lot of people in a way that they don’t necessarily understand. They may come to a meeting expecting to get or to understand something, and instead walk away having been stripped of everything.
Both men and women have ideas about how the feminine expression should be or is. In my own journey, I have never known what it is to be a woman - and in that space of not knowing, the natural flow is continually expressed. You may assume that a feminine expression would be all ‘lovey dovey’ and about having nice relaxing experiences of love and sweetness. However, you may soon be surprised at the loving, but uncompromising sword that chops your head off.
I have explored pointing to the nonduality of Life itself in many different ways. There is never the perfect way of saying it. There are never the perfect words or concepts that can ever fit the way it is. In fact the nature of words and concepts is to take something which is so unbelievably abstract and turn it into something tangible, something specific. The nature of words and concepts is to create separation and to be dual. However, in my experience I have found that nonduality can be pointed to beyond all the words and concepts. It is much more risky and sometimes frightening because it is often the first time for many people, to look at what is beyond all the words. We are so used to trusting only the words and analyzing what they mean in a very logical and rational way. But the words only dance on the surface. What is under the words is not known or understood.
The feminine expression of nonduality is beyond the words. It is in the Silence that is despite the words. This is what the feminine expression is really. It sings from the Silence. It does not care what the words say - they are almost irrelevant. They are only the individual notes in the piece of music. It is a complete resting. Such a resting. Such an anchor that nothing can budge it. The Silence is truly deafening. And then there is the invitation into that Silence…
Although the feminine expression of nonduality is not all ‘lovey dovey’, it is about Love, but Love is not always the sweetness and light that you may normally imagine. Love is the radical compassion that will not stand for any nonsense. It calls a spade a spade. It undermines every belief. It spares no prisoners. It does not dance on the surface, it dives to the root of it all. It is the Love that refuses to listen to the words and concepts, and doesn’t buy into any fear or emotion, but tirelessly points beyond them all. It is the Love that loves so much that it listens only to Love itself and meets everyone in that Love.
fWhether it’s in the words or in the Silence, this radical sword of Love works its magic of lifting veils and uncovering reality. You may not like what you hear. You may not want to hear it. It may trigger all kinds of reactions, emotions or fear, as each veil of belief or assumption is lifted. But it is all held in Love. It is always pointing back again and again to what you are.
There is the assumption that nonduality is a prescription, whereas it is actually a description. The feminine expression of nonduality is like singing a song. It is a creative expression of the Love and Gratitude that underpins all the words. It is the expression of that beautiful yearning that most people feel. But the yearning has found a resting place in the Silence. It no longer yearns for something more than what is, but instead it expresses the Silence. It is a passion that comes from Life as it expresses itself. In fact it is like listening to a piece of music that touches you and makes you feel alive. When you come to a meeting let the words touch you. Let the words crack you open. If you find that you are trying to understand them, stop and relax. Don’t understand them. Trying to understand them only uses the imagination to imagine that the words are prescribing things that you need to know or do. Let the words sing their song and crack you open.
Although it may seem like it, I am not denying the intellect here at all. In fact it is included in this Love. Often in meetings someone will come up to have a dialogue and will have lots of intellectual questions or objections. Each one is met with a song that turns the question around to look for the questioner. In seeing for yourself that there is no questioner, the whole question drops away. The intellect is seen for what it really is. It is not bad or wrong, but just limited to what it knows or can figure out. It can not know what nonduality is, as its very nature is to describe and understand duality. In comparison to the recognition of what you really are, it is seen to be moving away, imagining, dreaming up some other possibility of separation and duality. All there is here now, is nonduality. This is the Oneness and Wholeness that we so often long for. But unbelievably, it is already here right now.
In intimate dialogues we explore what is real right now. In meetings and retreats if you want to ask a question, you have to take the risk of exposing yourself by coming up to the front. There is often fear or embarrassment. But if you are not willing to risk exposing your vulnerability in front of other people, how will you be willing to risk losing everything you ever believed in? It is stepping into the fire willingly, knowing that it will burn up everything that you believe in. These meetings, and especially retreats, are not for the feint-hearted. If you want to wake up to the reality of the way it is beyond all the words and concepts, you will have to risk it all. The feminine expression of nonduality is not interested in playing around with the words and concepts of nonduality. It simply pulls the rug out from under your feet and leaves you with nothing but the freefall of Life as it is.
I embrace the word nonduality, as it is a word, a note in the song that sings beyond all the words. The feminine expression of nonduality rests in the Silence. It is this that melts the belief in separation, just as all the words try to do. This Silence is such a powerful force. It is the destroyer of illusion and anything that is not real and true. It is not soft and fluffy, and it is not dry and logical. It loves so much that it chops the heads off both.
Unmani, December, 2011
Raising Humanity
Saturday, 14 January 2012
Psychology Test - Are You Normal?
Proven Ways to Get Along Better With EVERYONE"
Before you say anything to anyone, ask yourself 3 things:
Is it true?
Is it kind?
Is it necessary?
Make promises sparingly and keep them faithfully.
Never miss the opportunity to compliment or say something encouraging to someone.
Refuse to talk negatively about others; don't gossip and don't listen to gossip.
Have a forgiving view of people. Believe that most people are doing the best they can.
Keep an open mind; discuss, but don't argue. (It is possible to disagree without being disagreeable.)
Forget about counting to 10. Count to 1,000 before doing or saying anything that could make matters worse.
Let your virtues speak for themselves.
If someone criticizes you, see if there is any TRUTH to what he is saying; if so, make changes. If there is no truth to the criticism, ignore it and live so that no one will believe the negative remark.
Cultivate your sense of humor; laughter is the shortest distance between two people.
Do not seek so much to be consoled, as to console; do not seek so much to be understood, as to understand; do not seek so much to be loved as to love."
Be good to each other,
and do not look outside yourself for the leader.
Then he clasped his hands together, smiled and said,
"This could be a good time!
There is a river flowing now very fast.
It is so great and swift that there are those who will
be afraid.
They will try to hold on to the shore.
They will feel they are being torn apart and will
suffer greatly.
Know the river has its destination.
The elders say we must let go of the shore, push off
into the middle of the river, keep our eyes open,
and our heads above the water, and I say, see who
is there with you and celebrate.
At this time in our history, we are to take nothing
Least of all ourselves.
For the moment that we do, our spiritual growth
and journey comes to a halt.
The time of the Lone Wolf is over.
Gather yourselves!
Banish the word struggle from your attitude and
your vocabulary.
All that we do now must be done in a sacred
manner and in celebration.
We are the ones we have been wating for"
From Oraibi, Arizona
Friday, 13 January 2012
Many of us may have noticed that the last month of 2011 had a similar resonance to the time when we experienced our first *awakening. For some, the awakening process started decades ago, and for others rather recently. Either way, the energies of December gave us the opportunity to have a full circle moment to pause and assess exactly where we are at on our journey right now. This experience allowed us to put in perspective what we are ready to leave behind, and what we are ready to anchor more of us as we move forward.
Most of us know first hand that even though personal awakenings can be a magical time in our lives, they can also be a time of internal stretching that may leave us feeling uncomfortable. Things usually come to the forefront during these times that have not come up for us in a very long time. If we are feeling triggered and we are experiencing emotional roller coaster-like surges, know that it's absolutely normal. If we're being hard on ourselves for feeling like we're repeating something we thought we had overcome long ago, let's be willing to release this pattern once and for all. We may have felt that being hard on ourselves served us in some ways, however it only hinders us from expanding into our greatest selves. From an expanded perspective, an awakening is not a one time occurrence, rather a continual process. We are awakening to our Truest Selves every moment of the day, whether we realize it or not. With this knowing, we can understand if something uncomfortable comes up that seems similar to an experience we've had in the past, it just means there's still a gift in that experience trying to reveal itself to us.
When something does come back up or feels like a repeat of something that didn't feel too good to us in the past, we can also just ease into the knowing that it could very well be a deeply rooted energy coming to the surface now ready for us to release completely. The key to moving through the discomforts of an awakening is to be easy on ourselves, and to believe in the power of our strength. We have more endurance than we could ever imagine, and it's this endurance that has brought us to this point of our personal evolution where we are now remembering who we really are and uniting as One people.
While some of us went through some uncomfortable stretching this past month, many of us also started to feel reconnected to ourselves and the Universe again. Some of us were presented with situations that could have in the past triggered us in an unhealthy way, but instead we chose to love and appreciate these same situations. This was extraordinary confirmation that let us know we have made great progress in healing and releasing the energies that no longer serve us anymore. An example of this could have shown up during the holidays when we got together with extended family and friends.
The exciting news is that as we enter January, we will be completing the tail end of the seeming overwhelming energies we experienced in December. This means that a great deal of the things we've been processing through will start to resolve themselves more quickly, and a new lightness will start to emerge. It's a lightness that is most definitely welcomed.
Back To Basics
As we start a fresh new year, going back to the basics when it comes to our personal and spiritual practice will greatly provide us a solid foundation. This foundation will come in handy especially since the frenzy-like atmosphere will continue to go on around us for a while longer. By creating a solid foundation for ourselves, we are able to quickly detach from the boisterous noise going on around us and remain grounded in our peaceful center.
Everyone has their own unique practice that works well for them. Some of these practices may include having a daily gratitude journal, affirmative prayer, meditation, sacred dancing/body movement, being of service, practicing forgiveness, energy healing, connecting with nature, reading, coloring, etc... Whatever our practice is, consistency is the key. The more consistent we are with our practice, the more palpable our results will be.
Creating Community
There's great comfort in knowing that we are not alone and that others may also be going through similar experiences as us. Just this knowing alone creates a sort of healing that opens up the heart to finally let others get close to us again. For the many of us who have lead lives mostly living in isolation as a result of feeling disconnected from how the current earth matrix was operating, opening ourselves up to co-creating a community with others may still feel like a tall order. However, due to the fact that we have been moving out of a dualistic society and into a more united society, it will become easier to reconnect with our soul family once again.
Creating our community, no matter how small or large it may seem will provide us with the extra support needed to allow for a smoother transition into our very new heart-centered realities. We don't have to go at life alone anymore. It's okay to give and receive support and love; we just have to be willing to open up our arms and say 'YES' to it. 2012 will be the year of community.
The Final Countdown
So, the final countdown to making our highest visions a reality has begun. In this coming year, a tipping point will occur that forever changes our paradigm as we know it. For the first time in a very long time (we're talking thousands of years) the collective consciousness will reach a critical point where more people become awakened than non-awakened. We are very close to that point already, even though at times it may look and feel otherwise. If we think our physical realities have been changing at a fast pace these past few years, things will most definitely be turned up many notches as the global consciousness continues to rise. This will lead to even more personal and global readjustments that continue to assist us in moving out of the era of fear, and into the new unfolding era of love.
As the tipping point is reached where many more become awakened to what's really going on, it will become more clear that our beliefs are what create our reality. Will we choose to focus on the miracles and abundant blessings all around us so that we can attract more of those experiences? I have complete faith that we already are and will continue to do so.
Till next time,
Miraculous yours,
©2009-2012 Emmanuel Dagher, Magnified Manifesting All Rights
*Awakening - 1. A time in our lives where everything seems to 'click' into place, and a lifting of the veils occurs that remind us of the Omnipotence within & all around us. 2. Divine clarity that bypasses all illusion reconnecting us to our truest & highest pure potential. Moving out of the mechanical mind & into the higher mind which also happens to be connected to the heart center. Sometimes we may feel stretched during times of great awakenings , because our awareness is changing so quickly.
Wednesday, 11 January 2012
Heal the World Lyrics - MICHAEL JACKSON
In our way of thinking the Ascension process in quite simply--spiritual development. It is a part of life that with different levels of awareness. We are all a part of a whole and it is possible to see can see them in society today. We are all apart of the human family. Everyone's family is part of a culture (race, religion, group, cult, whatever) and your culture is a part of a country which is a part of the world and the Earth which is part of the solar and galaxy and we all play a role within the ripple effect of life. On a spiritual level we are also a part of something greater, which is a part of something greater and so on and so on.
The onmi-verse is infinite as far as anyone can tell. And on that note we must make a point that seems to get overlooked quite a bit in the community of "ascensionists" Everything we write in our blogs are based on our training, personal, professional and spiritual studies and experience. Coming to what we do is "our ascension." It may or may not resonate with others, that is OK. We are communicators of ideas and our "awaking" my not be yours. We only offer our perspectives to share our experiences in an effort to support others in their own process growth process-- not to tell anyone what it is or whether it is "right or wrong."
We offer our view of unity and Oneness as an analogy. We are all in a symphony together playing Mozart. I play violin, you play flute, someone else plays french horn…We all have individual and unique roles that combine to create the whole. Take one away and it just doesn't sound right. Now, within the symphony, you may not like the tuba. It may be the most annoying sound in the world to you and the tenor saxophone literally hurts you deeply. Does that mean they should be cut out of the symphony? Perhaps many others love them both and despise your flute but should the you and the flute--or any other instrument be banished? How would the symphony sound if that happened? Such is true with Life. Everyone has their own individual role to play.
Someone's role may hurt us, annoy us, anger us or inspire us. Or one individual may do all of those things over time or at the same time. How we handle it speaks to our vibration and level of awareness and the lessons we need to learn. Our lessons will be different from others , however they may have a similar flavor.
One of the primary lessons we have here in 3D Earth School is that of victim-hood. We all share in this lesson through we may be studying in different parts of the book. It is impossible for us to know where anyone else is on their path we can only know that they are [on the path], we all are. Compassion arises when we can identify with a lesson that someone else is in the midst of. We can make a choice to respond with judgement or with compassion and understanding. We can get annoyed that everyone else isn't where we are (why isn't everyone as evolved as me? smiles) or we can embrace and honor their process and offer our Light to support.
There are as many roles within humanity as there are Beings on the planet. No two are exactly the same, no two will feel exactly the same, work exactly the same, vibrate exactly the same…yet they all fit exactly together into the whole. Each role is indispensable and irreplaceable and the whole would be diminished without it. I must add that I am including ALL BEINGS in this---yes, that means the murderers, the rapists, the bankers, the government, monstanto etc etc. Yes…I have included the "evil" darkside for without it there is no Life. "Evil" spelled backward is "Live."
Bring the need to judge everything as "good or bad", "light or dark" into your heart of stillness. Ask yourself "whom does this serve?" Now allow the need for some external or internal thing (person, trait, process, law, whatever) to change in order for everything to be OK, to come into your heart of stillness. Bring it right to this, the Heart of your Being and ask "how is everything already perfect?"
And know, that it is.We choose to believe that the everything is always working for the highest and greatest good of the "all" beyond the outer appearance of things and within the eternal reach of time.
Raising Humanity
"A human being is part of the whole, called by us "universe," limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings as something separated from the rest - a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness.
This delusion is a prison,restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons close to us.
Our task must be to free ourselves from our prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all humanity and the whole of nature in its beauty.
A respect for diversity may be the hardest thing for society to live with, and perhaps the
most dangerous thing for society to live without.
--William Sloane Coffin Jr.
Never before has a time in history been so significant to so many cultures, religions, scientists and governments. Beyond 2012 looks past the apocalyptic world view of 2012 and presents a wide variety of evolving perspectives on the next age of global consciousness and techniques for social and ecological transformation.Topics include Shamanism, Sustainability, Ecological Design, Green Technologies, Alternative Energy Systems, the Mayan Calendar, Psychic Evolution, Synchronicity, and a host of other subjects that deal with the mysteries, wonders and challenges facing all of humankind during this unprecedented age of transformation.
We cannot think of any conflation which I run into more frequently than that of confusing respect for tolerance, or vice-versa. Why people have trouble differentiating between criticizing something and trying to wipe it from the face of the earth at gun point is something I doubt we find difficult to comprehend.
Looking past a Post Apocalyptic or Capitalists, Fascist Dictatorial World View, the 14th Dalai Lama of Tibet presents his view on how a New World Order should look, where human beings are not used as a fuel source and as a people, we can move away from a century of violence, to a new century of dialog. The Dalai Lama offers a far-reaching vision of the universal harmony that waits in the celebration of diversity. Our future is dependent on our ability to build relationships and communities that bind us to more holistic, common aspirations.
To help it grow, the Dalai Lama urges us to begin by fostering caring and respect for the many spiritual and cultural traditions in our world. Only by nurturing and teaching our children and each other, and protecting the world we share, will we move from a century of violence to a new century of dialog in which individual efforts create a mass movement toward a world of lasting peace and freedom.
The world is made up of a diversity and that is what makes life interesting, challenging and rewarding. It is this diversity that we can all benefit from if we are willing to open our minds and put forth the effort in understanding one another rather than discard others simply because their views are different. If we could work on blending the world and seeking common ground we may be pleasantly surprised at the outcomes.
Some of the suggestions are to turn and face a stranger with a smile. Wear your badge of life with style, embrace your neighbors, live and let live Always remember you are what you give will come back to you in the "what goes around--comes around law of cause and effect. Open your heart, put flowers in a gun. Find the best in others and have some fun for every no, there is a bigger yes! Strive for greatness, and accept nothing less. Whether we are a man or woman, boy or girl, a person from another place, culture of spiritual path let us all strive to respect our diversity, respect differences and open up to our similarities. In doing that we will be able to create a world where we can all walk on common ground!
By Coralie Darsey-Malloy and David Malloy
January 9, 2012
We cannot solve problems by using the same kind of thinking that created them.
--Albert Einstein
(author unknown) Before you say anything to anyone, ask yourself 3 things: Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary? Make promises sp...
When we first started hearing about Ascension it had a rather woo-woo feel to it and with all the mixed perspectives on what it is--or isn...