Thursday, 16 February 2012


We cannot solve problems by using the same kind of thinking that created them.
--Albert Einstein

When this year began all the doomsday and apocalyptic soothsayers started coming out of the woodwork and making outlandish claims about the world ending around the time of the Winter Solstice towards the end of this year.

We are the site creators of a forum on Ning with the same name as our company—Fresh Beginnings and whether we are communicating ideas as counselors through our personal development company of the same name, writing free lance articles, public speaking or leading seminars we have a mantra that goes like this, “Whatever you are doing or planning make sure you gather data from a wide variety of sources so you can view things objectively and make informed choices.”

Some recent events have clearly illustrated to us that  here are so many people buying into all kinds of outlandish ideas in everything from planet  hitting earth to President Barack Obama being Muslin and a non-American citizen to use three examples that are not grounded in fact. Yet people embrace it as truth and run with it.  The media does not hold themselves or anyone else accountable for their claims nor do many of the people that listen and watch.

The lack of informed thinking polarizes people with right/wrong perceptions and within polarized thinking no one wins. it is for that reason that we decided to create another Blog, YouTube and Twitter account where we can share our focus and intention  "explore common ground, respect differences and embrace our Oneness. Coralie and I jointly discuss concepts and co-write them for our new blog. Feel free to contact us if you want the link
Facts are the important issue here.   Facts are not something you read and run with they are something that needs to “vet” (check out) and that takes time and effort to research.   Research does not mean sourcing out sites that support a particular position or existing beliefs. The good thing about researching things is that it often forces one to bump up against existing belief systems and that can be challenging.   Most of us do not want to accept that our attitudes and beliefs may not be valid as they once were. Growth involves changing our attitudes and mindset so we are able to change our lives. So in essence being open to exploring more neutral ways of looking at things can be scary to some because no one likes to admit to having warped perceptions or feeling they are “wrong.”

As we communicate ideas to others we frequently hear that they do not want to consider another side because they are comfortable with whatever “truths” they researched and embraced. We always smile and know that the  loud clunk we are hearing is the  the sound of minds closing!

Our approach is different. We are never satisfied with settling into any one way of looking at anything. We always question most everything.  The world is filled with distortions and people who do things for their own gain and much of what is on the internet only amplifies cliques of mass thinking. There are collectives and worlds within words perceptually speaking. This Blog encourages others to share ideas from different perspectives in open, respectful dialog on common ground.

On many of the forums we are on or during  every day conversations we see a lack of clear, respectful communication. People do not engage in what we call “respectful dialog” where there is give and take within an exchange of ideas. When people are heavily invested in what they believe they over talk others, ignore their opinions and just keep repeating their position over and over…and over.  One sided research creates one-sided thinking and does not foster an ability to consider much less see or hear the other side’s viewpoint and that leads to polarization and divisiveness.

In reality, there is no real “truth’ only whatever a person’s perception is. Our intentions and focus with this Blog is to create a space where we encourage others to seek more neutral and common ground while  embracing diversity and respect for differences.  We develop our concepts and co-write them. We have a deep commitment to sharing  information that presents different perspectives so people can think for themselves rather than being drawn into cult like, brain washing that eliminates their ability to think critically about the cause and effect of their thoughts, words and actions. We hope that others will share in our commitment to embrace humanity's diversity, accept our Oneness within the inter-connected-ness  and beauty in life.

"In openness there is trust and in trust there is love."

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